February 8th

February 8th
Jesus, I wish following you was as simple as following lego instructions. And that it was as easy to know if you were getting it right. As it is, I feel like whatever I’m trying to build, the brief keeps changing – and sometimes the brief doesn’t seem to match the bricks at all.
And sometimes I put my heart and soul into the building and an enemy destroys it. And I end up thinking, Why bother to build at all? Picking up the broken pieces, to rebuild what was shattered, hurts. And you’re not too good with anæsthetics are you, Jesus?

I know, I know. I know that what you offer is healing, not numbness. And I know that we live in a war. Well, actually, we live in a love story set in the midst of a war – but sometimes it’s hard to find the love part for the noise and the hurt of the battle. And I just want to Get It Right, because surely if I do that, then I won’t get hurt again? And instead of following you, Jesus, I can just follow the instructions instead. It promises to be so much safer.
Okay, sterile, dead, processed, pre-packaged, artificial and all of the above. But surely safer?


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